The 2025 Installation of Officers Banquet was held on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
The Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary recognized the accomplishments of the members and the department. The new 2025 Officers of the Auxiliary and the Operational Officers of the Fire Department were installed by Past President (MVFD & SMVFA) and Board of Director, Willie Wilkerson. The Fire Department Administrative Officers were installed by Safety Officer and Past County Fire Chief, C.P. Miedzinski. A wonderful meal was prepared by Rita B Catering.
Auxiliary President, Molly Colonna presented years/length of service awards to Debbie DePriest (5 years), Valerie Guy (30 years) and A. Diane Lacey (45 years). Auxiliary President's Award was presented to Donna Wockenfuss and the Mary Elaine Guy Award was presented to Lori Greathouse.
The 2025 Auxiliary Officers are: President, Molly Colonna; Vice President, Karen Colonna; Secretary, Karen Montgomery; Treasurer, Donna Wockenfuss; Assistant Secretary, Lori Greathouse; Chaplain, Valerie Guy; Historian, Mary Ellen Evans.
Auxiliary President, Molly Colonna presented the Operational Officer of the Year award to Deputy Chief, Tyler Burroughs and the Administrative Member of the Year award to President, John S. "Monkey" Montgomery.
President, John S. "Monkey" Montgomery presented years/length of service awards to Corey Ianiero (5 years); TJ Faunce (5 years); Daniel Busl (10 years); Mark Turner (10 years); Karen Montgomery (15 years); Ryan Raley (15 years); Jonathan Palmer (20 years + LM); Mark Trowbridge (25 years); Bill Hemming (25 years); Jim Gray (40 years); John B. Raley, Jr. (40 years) and John "Monkey" Montgomery (50 years). President Montgomery also presented Special Service Awards to Keith Turner, Jackson Miller, Tommy Kidwell, Darene Kleinsorgen, Karen Montgomery and Frank Kleinsorgen. The President also presented outgoing Fire Prevention Officer, Terri Palmer with a plaque for the numerous years she served as the departments fire prevention officer. The President's award went to Outgoing Chief, Mark Trowbridge.
The 2025 Administrative Officers are: President, John S. "Monkey" Montgomery; 1st Vice President, Keith Turner; 2nd Vice President, Jackson Miller; Secretary, Darene Kleinsorgen; Treasurer, Tommy Kidwell; Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Karen Montgomery; Financial Secretary, Frank Kleinsorgen and Fire Prevention Officer, Cindy Turner.
Chief, Mark Trowbridge presented the Cadet of the Year to Anthony Applebaugh; Junior Firefighter/Rookie of the Year to Cooper Hedrick and the Firefighter of the Year (Richard S. "Stormie" Combs Award) to Ronnie Cox. The Chiefs Award went to President, John Montgomery. Chief Trowbridge also presented gift cards to the following for Top 10 Responders for 2025: Cooper Hedrick, Ronnie Cox, Jackson Barnes, Callen Thompson, Delontaye Herbert, Tucker Hedrick, Tyler Burroughs, Mark Trowbridge, Craig Polk, and CP Miedzinski. The Chief also presented gift cards to The Top 5 Drivers for 2025: Tyler Burroughs, Brian Butler, Bill Hemming, Ronnie Cox and Keith Hemming.
The Operational Officers for 2025 are: Chief, Ryan Raley; Assistant Chief, Mark Trowbridge; Deputy Chief, Tyler Burroughs; Eng. Captain, Daniel Busl; Rescue Captain, Bret Krabbe; Operations Captain, TJ Faunce; Rescue Lieutenant, Tucker Hedrick; Station Lieutenant, Jake Senatore; Sergeant, Riley Barnes; Sergeant, Ryan Tucker; Water Supply Officer, Joe Guyther; Safety Officer, CP Miedzinski; Safety Officer, Chris Hunter; Chiefs Aide, John Raley; Training Coordinator, Jimmy Barnes, Jr.; Chief Engineer, Bill Hemming; 1st Engineer, Brian Butler; Assistant Engineer, Keith Hemming.
2025 Administrative Officers: President - John S. "Monkey" Montgomery; VP1 - Keith Turner; VP2 - Jackson Miller; Treasurer - Tommy Kidwell; Asst Secy/Treas. - Karen Montgomery; Fire Prevention - Cindy Turner; IT Director - Tyler Raley. Not pictured: Secretary - Darene Kleinsorgen and Financial Secretary - Frank Kleinsorgen
Chief, Ryan Raley; Assistant Chief, Mark Trowbridge; Deputy Chief, Tyler Burroughs; Eng. Captain, Daniel Busl; Rescue Captain, Bret Krabbe; Operations Captain, TJ Faunce; Rescue Lieutenant, Tucker Hedrick; Station Lieutenant, Jake Senatore; Sergeant, Riley Barnes; Sergeant, Ryan Tucker; Water Supply Officer, Joe Guyther; Safety Officer, CP Miedzinski; Safety Officer, Chris Hunter; Chiefs Aide, John Raley; Training Coordinator, Jimmy Barnes, Jr.; Chief Engineer, Bill Hemming; 1st Engineer, Brian Butler; Assistant Engineer, Keith Hemming and Chiefs Aide, John Raley.
2025 Board of Directors: John S. Montgomery, Ryan Raley, Mark Trowbridge, Willie Wilkerson, Keith Turner, Jimmy Burroughs, Tommy Kidwell, Paul Colonna, Bobby Johnson, Jackson Miller, Robert H. Moreland, Donnie Burch and Pat Guy.
2025 Auxiliary Officer: Asst. Secy. - Lori Greathouse; Secretary - Karen Montgomery; VP - Karen Colonna; President - Molly Colonna; Treasurer - Donna Wockenfuss; Historian - Mary Ellen Evans and Chaplain - Valerie Guy.
2025 MVFD and MVFDA Members
2025 Auxiliary Officers swearing in
2025 Administrative Officers swearing in
2025 Operational Officers swearing in
Auxiliary member Debbie DePriest receiving 5 years of service certificates
Auxiliary office Valerie Guy receiving 30 years of service certificates
Lori Greathouse receiving the Mary Elaine Guy Award from the Auxiliary
Donna Wockenfuss receiving the President's award from President Molly Colonna
Auxiliary President Molly Colonna presenting the department with a check for $
President John S. Montgomery receiving the Administrative Person of the Year award from Aux President Molly Colonna
Dep. Chief Tyler Burroughs receiving the Operational Person of the Year award from Aux President Molly Colonna
Corey Ianiero receiving 5 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Daniel Busl receiving 10 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Mark Turner receiving 10 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Ryan Raley receiving 15 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Jonathan Palmer receiving 20 years of service and Life Membership from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Mark Trowbridge receiving 25 years of service from President Montgomery and the County Commissioners
Bill Hemming receiving 25 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
Jim Gray receiving 40 years of service from Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
President Montgomery receiving 50 years of service from his family, Outgoing Chief Trowbridge and the County Commissioners
President Montgomery presenting VP1 Keith Turner with a gift.
President Montgomery presenting VP2 Jackson Miller and his wife Kimberly with a gift.
President Montgomery presenting Asst. Secy/Treas., Karen Montgomery with a gift for her assistance with the administrative functions around the station.
Outgoing Fire Prevention Officer Terri Palmer receiving a plaque from President Montgomery for the many years she served in that role.
President Montgomery presenting member Jimmy Burroughs with a gift for his help with LOSAP.
President Montgomery presenting member Jeremy Hemming with a gift for his help with the Solar Project.
President Montgomery presenting Dep. Chief Tyler Burroughs with a gift for his help with the Grounds at the station.
President Montgomery presenting Chief Engineer Bill Hemming with a gift for his help in keeping the apparatus on the road.
President Montgomery presenting Training Coordinator Jimmy Barnes with a gift for his help with the Queen of Hearts.
President Montgomery presenting Auxiliary member Erin Barnes with a gift for her help with the Queen of Hearts.
President Montgomery presenting Auxiliary President Molly Colonna with a gift for her help throughout the year.
President Montgomery presenting Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge with a gift for his support with managing the operational side for the past several years.
Incoming Chief Ryan Raley and President John Montgomery presents Sam Terry with a certificate for his 20 years of service to the department.
President Montgomery presenting Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge with the President's Award.
Outgoing Chief Trowbridge recognizes the Top 10 Responders: Cooper Hedrick, Ronnie Cox, Jackson Barnes, Callen Thompson, Delontaye Herbert, Tucker Hedrick, Tyler Burroughs, Mark Trowbridge, Craig Polk and CP Miedzinski
Outgoing Chief Trowbridge recognizes the Top 5 Drivers: Tyler Burroughs, Brian Butler, Bill Hemming, Ronnie Cox and Keith Hemming
Chief Ryan Raley and Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge presents Anthony Applebaugh the 2025 Cadet of the Year Award
Chief Ryan Raley and Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge presents Cooper Hedrick the 2025 Junior Firefighter/Rookie of the Year Award
Chief Ryan Raley and Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge presents Ronnie Cox the 2025 Firefighter of the Year (Richard S. "Stormie" Combs) Award
Outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge and Chief Ryan Raley present President John Montgomery with the Chiefs Award
Life Save award was awarded to the crew who responded to an accident on New Market Turner Rd. The father (Doug Mills) of the patient (Peyton Mills) addressed those who were on the call and the department.
Dep. Chief Tyler Burroughs, Sam Terry, Incoming Chief Ryan Raley and the department presented outgoing Chief Mark Trowbridge with his running coat that was encapsulated in a glass case.
Terri Palmer presenting Bobby Hemming with a certificate for the use of his trailer for the fire prevention float in Ocean City
MVFD Honor Guard
2025 Auxiliary Members
Annual helmet picture!
Thank you Chief Trowbridge for your many years serving as Chief of this department!