Final Inspection on the Rescue Engine
By Assistant Chief John Raley
May 7, 2009

Four members, Fire Chief Craig, Assistant Fire Chief Raley, First Engineer Hemming and Captain Hemming completed the final inspecton on the new Rescue Engine at Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton, Wisconsin from May 6th thru the 8th.

A thorough inspection was done to ensure the engine was built and complied to our specifications. The engine met our specifications with only some minor items that will need to be addressed before the engine leaves the factory.

A tour of the plant was also done at the conclusion of the inspection.

We would like to thank the employees at Pierce for their hospitality and guidance in assisting us with this project.

Engine 222 should leave the factory sometime in the next few days and head to Singer Associates in Baltimore. It will be delivered to us for acceptance as we will need to verify everything that was wrote up was corrected. After that, it will leave for HRT equipment mounting.

Check back for updates as the engine is readied for service.

Units: Rescue Engine 222